Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Frustration, Guilt, and Dissipation of Anger

They say animals are supposed to help with stress. Right now, Coco is my number one source of stress. I keep reminding myself that she is a puppy, just a baby. I actually think she will help with my anger.

My friend had a discussion on her FB status today regarding guilt vs. lust. My temptation to lose my temper is different than lust, but still plays a lot with guilt. I think I am a very guilty person by nature, and often times my anger will explode, and then the guilt sets in.

With Coco, my guilt comes before anger. I can feel myself getting frustrated and thus angry... but the guilt of her just being a puppy and really not knowing any better sets in. With that comes patience. This may not be the right order of things, but whatever it is, it's helping.

Waking up- 9:15 AM--> 4800 steps
*above includes Coco's walk 1*
11:30 AM- 4:30 PM-- 9860 (wow!)
*includes from after returning home from appointment, walk 2 (more like a training session-- she was too hot to actually walk), and running some errands (in my dog clothes)*
4:30 PM- 11:50 PM-- 16216
*this includes everything up to my shower for the night... we had friends over with a dog of their own, so some additional running was involved*

Wow... that's approximately 8 miles today. I am impressed. Having a puppy definitely gets that cardio in. I wore it slightly more today, as I kept it on during some chores... let's see if this is "puupy stage" or if I'll continue. I can't really stop walking her-- as she gets bigger, she'll need lots of exercise. This is a good thing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!, Eight miles, I need to get myself a dog :D.

    As for the guilt at least yours helps you stop before you make the mistake. In my case it sets in only once the deed is done and so serves no purpose at all.

    Keep writing, you've at least one dedicated reader cheering you on and don't they say that's all you need :).
