Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Typical Day in Niki's Life

A friend of mine asked me to list out my day... It's different because I don't have a routine yet, considering I don't have a job. Maybe I will do this once a week to see if I can spot a pattern.

6:30 AM: Wake up
-get dressed in my "dog clothes" and put on step counter
-went downstairs to kitchen to feed Smokey and Mocha (cats) their wet food
-went back upstairs because Mocha didn't follow me down, and brought her down to eat
-got a dog treat and Coco's leash, and went up to Coco's room
-got slobbered on by Coco, made her sit (she just learned to sit on command yesterday!), gave her her treat
-carried Coco down the stairs (currently 20 lbs. at 14 weeks) because she is scared of the stairs
-brought her food and waterbowl to the back patio

7:00 AM: Woke up M
-brush teeth, use bathroom, put coffee on for M, do some fixing of hair and face
-sit on bed and chat with M/ pet cats as M gets ready

7:45 AM: M and I are both ready
-We walk downstairs, he says hello to Coco from a distance (doesn't want dog smell before work)
-M takes his coffee, I make Coco sit, give her a treat, put a leash on her, and walk to the front yard through the side door
-M locks up after me and leaves through the front
-Coco and I say bye to M

8:00 AM: Coco and I take a app. 1 mile walk
-I carry Coco part of the way, as 2 houses under construction scare her
-Coco gets tired and rests about half way through

8:30 PM: Wipe Coco's feet with towel
-barricade living room with couch and close kitchen door
-let Coco inside, hand her a toy, bring in her water bowl
-eat a yogurt and banana
-start working on the computer (and by working, I mean catching up with everything from the day before-- blogs, facebook, etc..)

9:30 AM: Put Coco and her water back outside, turn on fan
-go upstairs, put on pilates clothes
-drive to pilates

11:15 AM: Return home from pilates
-go upstairs and change into dog clothes
-come down, close kitchen door and allow Coco in kitchen as I make some food
-eat (Coco playing in kitchen with a toy)

11:45 AM: Bring my computer on the patio and sit with Coco
-work on my resume/ cover letters
-chat on msn
-study for recruitment tests
-study Spanish

12:45 PM: realize I forgot my step counter, go get it
-record morning steps on blog and write up till this point...

12:50 PM: bring Coco inside
-sit in the living room with Coco, do some training (Sit, stay)
-tinker around the internet, chat with M

1:30 PM: feed Coco

2:00 PM: my friend J calls and asks if she can bring her puppy (yorkie) by our house to play (we will be taking care of her Yorkie when they travel next week)
-do some dishes, straighten up the house

2:30 PM: take Coco outside
-bring the Yorkie and J out and introduce them (2nd time)
-do a little running around, playing... get them to interact

3:00 PM: chat with J
-make a white wine sangria and chat some more
-Coco and yorkie nap

4:30 PM: dogs wake up
-play with dogs, run around, fetch, etc.

5:00 PM: J leaves
-bring Coco inside to play, rest (she's a baby-- needs lots of sleep)

5:30 PM: M arrives back home
-spend some time with the cats so they don't feel left out
-calm Coco down-- very excited that M is home

6:00 PM: sit outside with M and Coco
-have a glass of red each and chat
-Coco gets over her excitement and sleeps some more
-put some special cream on Coco's legs where she is getting irritated from the way she sits

7:40 PM: M goes to shower
-feed Coco her dinner
-prepare our dinner (luckily we had some leftovers frozen from the holidays, easy peazy)
-record steps up till this point in blog

8:00 PM: eat dinner

8:30 PM: Take Coco out for a walk
-explore different areas of the neighborhood
-played with a lab in the neighborhood

9:30 PM: Came home from our VERY long walk
-took away Coco's water for the evening (so she doesn't have an accident at night)
-clean up the kitchen/ backyard a bit

9:45 PM: Talk with my parents on skype

10:15 PM: Finish up the blog post and hit the bed early
(Mithun is in charge of taking Coco to bed in the evenings-- lucky me!)

**wow, this became very detailed. gave me a project for the day-- I'm sure as the weeks go on, and Coco requires less attention, this won't be so long and boring :D**

Wake up (6:30 AM)- 9:40 AM-- 3670
*includes walk 1... taken off before pilates*
12:45 PM-7:40 PM- 7350
*forget to wear it from a couple hours after pilates*
7:40 PM- 10:15 PM- 11342

Just as a side note, please remember the number of miles is not literal distances, but steps I've taken, whether is be walking to the kitchen for water, or playing in the backyard with Coco.

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